Show Set Up

I’ve finished setting up my work for the show and I’m pleased with the overall appearance. Due to time management issues I was unable to make my wall unit; in the time I had to finish my pieces I opted to concentrate on my coffee table and bedside as I felt they were my strongest pieces and I had also fallen out of love with my design. I had to alter my plans for my visuals as I didn’t photograph my work in time to send off for the fabric from, instead I printed the image over 5 A3 sheets and made eyelet holes in them to attach them together.


I hadĀ some trouble hanging my imagery as I planned on using invisible thread but due to the plastic nature of it it was difficult to knot and a piece snapped shortly before the deadline. I persevered with the thread, however, and attached it to the board under my work to keep it from twisting.

A last minute decision was made between the tutors and myself to include the chest of drawers I made before Christmas. I had reservations about including it as I didn’t feel that it fit in with the theme of hybridity and I also wasn’t sure whether I wanted it to be marked as part of Subject or Field, however it was agreed that it added height to the overall look of the collection.







Exhibition Design

I have made a to-scale mock up of how I would like my show space to look. I decided on a corner space so I can hang my wall unit and hang long printsĀ of details of my work to highlight the aspects of each piece I want viewers to notice. I have looked into where I can have my images printed and I found which can print designs onto varying lengths of different types of fabrics and papers. Their fabric ‘scroll’ which they use to make custom wallpaper would be good for this as it is a mixture between fabric and paper so it has strength and a matte finish.


I have thinking about placing the pieces on coloured squares on the floor to mark out the space, I considered using low plinths but I don’t want to alienate the viewers from the pieces by thinking that they can’t open the drawers or touch them because of this elevation from the floor.

I have also thought about having a reel of footage displayed on a screen showing my process of making to draw attention to its importance in my work.